Bokkunst, Bomuldsfabrikken, Arendal, Norway 2016
Record vol. 20, In)(between, Paris, France 2016
Fotoleggendo, Rome, Italy 2013
Scandinavian grey, Galleri Balder, Oslo, Norway 2013
Fotofest, Trondheim, Norway 2013
Le Garage, Arles, France 2010
The Apartment, Oslo, Norway 2010
Self publish, be happy, Photographers Gallery, London 2010
Photo-bookworks, Sheehan Gallery, Washington, USA 2010
East west fusion, Hole Art Center, Hole, Norway 2009
Nature Morte-Still Life, Projekt Fabrika, Moscow 2009
Bookdummies, International Center of Photography, New York 2008
Hovedutstiller Fotografiets Dag, Preus Museum, Horten, Norway 2008
Cohen Amador Gallery, New York 2008
Norsk Skogmuseum, Elverum, Norway 2008
PULP 11, Kistefoss-Museet, Norway 2007
'20', Akershus Kunstnersenter, Lillestrøm, Norway 2006
Nord Art, Rendsburg, Germany 2006
Bokaktig, Fotogalleriet, Oslo, Norway 2006
Flaggfabrikken presenterer favoritter, Landmark, Bergen, Norway 2005
18 at 27, Galleri 27, Oslo, Norway 2005
Marks of Honour, FOAM/Van Zoetendall gallery, Amsterdam, Holland 2005
Galleri JMS med Unn Fahlstrøm og Anders Tomren. Oslo, Norway 2005
Another Photographic Approach part 1, Buro Empty, Amsterdam, Holland 2004
Absolut Empty, Buro Empty, Amsterdam, Holland 2003
Artforum Berlin, Gallery Antonio Ferrara, Berlin 2003
Flyktige Fortellinger with Lucie N.Thune and Rune E.Helgesen, Museet for samtidskunst, Oslo, Norway 2003
Images Against War, Galerie Lichtblick, Cologne, Germany 2003
Mythos St. Pauli, Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany 2002
Saved by Hot Rod & Diesel, Oslo Kunsthall, Norway 2001
Internationale Fototage, Herten, Germany 2001
Hereford Photography Festival, Hereford, England 2001
Argos Contemporary Art Event, Vevey, Switzerland 2000
Wonderland, Noorderlicht, Groningen, Holland 1999
Errances, La Ciotat, France 1998
Festival Voies Off, Arles, France 1997, 1998, 2003
En ny generasjon fotografer, Fotogalleriet, Oslo, Norway 1989
Vårutstillingen, Fotogalleriet, Oslo, Norway 1988, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2014
Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway 1993, 1998, 2003